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Miss Match Display Units

​Hung up on you

Problem statement:
As a customer, I want to be able to pick things up and look at them without having to ask or open the packet – but I also want them to have cute packaging, that will protect them and make a nice gift. I want to be able to grab and go without waiting for packaging.

As the owner, I don’t want to spend hours untangling loose earrings; I want the majority of my stock to be packaged and ready to hang. I want packaging that won’t look foxed too quickly, and won’t be damaged if there’s a little drizzle.
We will offer three level of access to earrings!
Loose – we hang the earrings out where they can be handled and fondled easily.
Miss Match Matchbooks – no barrier between the customer and the earrings, but they can quickly be folded up and popped in a bag for purchase.
Packaged – we hang earrings (and pendants) on cards in cellophane packaging, so they are protected from the elements, and customers can just grab and go.
Initially, I wanted to incorporate LED peg fairy lights into my design – but as the pegs dwarf the matchbooks, we decided to use them to hang fat quarters as ‘bunting’ from the gazebo. Another unexpected side effect of the large pegs was that they squash the earring hooks and make the earrings sit weirdly – but my clever husband came up with an ingenious solution – a second line, complete with mini-pegs, behind the main line. So the matchbook hangs over the main line, and is held in place by the tiny peg behind it 🙂
And here’s a bit of a photo essay on how we made them.

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